Targeted Health Boosters

    • Real • Unique Formula® Prostate Care


      Prostate problems will affect many men across the world. The American Cancer Society estimates that some men will be diagnosed with prostate problems during their lifetime. Additionally, about 50 percent of men will have an enlarged prostate once they are over the age of 50. After years of research and studying in Canada, Real House is proud to present our Real…

    • Real • Unique Formula® Pure Lung (Discontinued)


      Our lungs are inevitably exposed to harmful germs and chemicals every day. Whether it comes from epidemic or pandemic upper respiratory tract infection, smoking, exhaust fumes, mineral dust, or pollution, our lungs constantly face a plethora of dangerous chemicals on a daily basis. The highly concentrated medicinal herbs in our capsules, Real • Unique Lung Cleanse Formula tend to strengthen…

    • Real • Unique Formula® Sexual Strength


      Sexual health is more than avoiding diseases and unplanned pregnancies. It’s also about recognizing that sex can be an important part of your life and good for your health, according to the American Sexual Health Association. Real House‘s unique formula consists of four precious natural treasures for men: Black maca, Tongkat Ali, Ginsenosides, and Epimedium. Real House’s R & D…

    • Real • Unique NMN 12000mg™ Youth Fountain


      Real House Canada is the first pharmaceutical R&D team in Canada to develop a unique formula of NMN combined with a variety of important anti-aging factors in the human body to launch this highly effective Real • Unique NMN 1,2000mg™ – Youth Fountain product. Our unique formula not only includes a high dose of NMN and an effective ratio of…

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