Maternal & Child


Having a child is one of the greatest joys a mother will ever experience in life. With all the happiness a child brings come concerns over the health of an infant. Young mothers likely spend countless hours wondering about the nutrition and well-being of their child. Babies require a substantial amount of nutrition in order to sustain the rapid growth and development of their bodies. Their bodies also yearn for organic cotton products that won’t cause adverse effects for their sensitive skin.

With our professional background, we know how to care for a mother and her children. That’s why we’ve done research to develop a series that nourish and enhance a child’s health from infancy and through their teenage years. Babies can start by using our natural vitamin D complex essential -Drops to prevent health problems caused by nutritional deficiencies. Babies often lack vital nutrients such as vitamin D, since only trace amounts of the vitamin exist in breast milk. Your children can grow up using our Multivitamins, and our soy protein energy booster as they become older. Unlike similar products on the market, our multivitamins and soy protein powder contain DHA, to aid the development of your child’s brain.

We also devoted our time to develop a unique line of products under our “Real Baby Series.” This is a line of certified organic cotton products certified by Neverland that protects a baby’s sensitive skin from the pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, and flame retardants that are used in synthetic cotton. Our organic cotton crawling shoes are also developed with an infant’s comfort in mind, so that they are able to safely and confidently explore the new world. Crawling helps to enhance a baby’s interactive brain and muscle activity. We have completed research and testing on these shoes focused comfort and stability for your infant. Browse through our Maternal & Child section to learn more about our Natural Baby Vitamin D-Drops, our Real Baby Series, and other highly beneficial products!

    • Real • Baby Organic Cotton Crawling Sneakers


      Starting crawling is a very first important exploring in baby’s lifetime. In the process of crawling, it expands baby’s range of vision and touching. Generally speaking, through looking, hearing and  touching, these comprehensive sensory stimulates brain activity. Babies rely brain to mobilize limbs coordination and flexibility and keep body balance. Therefore crawling is a milestone in body brain and intelligence.…

    • Real • Baby Organic Cotton Crawling T-Bar Flats


      Starting crawling is a very first important exploring in baby’s lifetime. In the process of crawling, it expands baby’s range of vision and touching. Generally speaking, through looking, hearing and  touching, these compresive sensory stimulates brain activity. Babies rely brain to mobilize limbs coorderation and flexibility and keep body balance. Therefore crawling is a milestone in body brain and intelligence.…

    • Real • Baby Organic Cotton Crawling Boots


      Crawling before walking is essential for babies in terms of their development. Make sure your baby is crawling in comfort with our Organic Cotton Crawling Boots, another item in our line of Real Baby products. Crawling helps our children strengthen their shoulder and hand muscles, and it also helps them learn to develop hand-eye coordination for the first time. Therefore,…

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