Real • Baby Organic Cotton Crawling Sneakers
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Starting crawling is a very first important exploring in baby’s lifetime. In the process of crawling, it expands baby’s range of vision and touching. Generally speaking, through looking, hearing and touching, these comprehensive sensory stimulates brain activity. Babies rely brain to mobilize limbs coordination and flexibility and keep body balance. Therefore crawling is a milestone in body brain and intelligence.
Real House devote to meet the needs of every phase of childhood. The baby organic cotton shoe is made from 100% eco-friendly organic soft cotton and non-slip flexible sole which is especially helpful to encourage baby to crawl and provide an all round protection.
This light weight baby crawling shoe is designed with soft breathable machine washable cotton which is perfect for keeping away from footwear sweat and keep baby’s feet dry and maximum comfort at all times.
Place of Production: China
Quality Testing & Packaging in:Canada
Specification:Suitable for babies entering the crawling stage, usually between 6 to 12 months of age.
Why You Should Buy Organic Cotton Over Conventional Cotton
Organic cotton is vital for the health of our children. According to the World Health Organization, 20,000 individuals die of cancer and miscarriages each year in developing countries as a result of the chemicals sprayed on conventional cotton. The reason to buy organic cotton is that conventionally-grown cotton uses a huge amount of toxic chemicals, which contact a baby’s skin directly. Even worse, they get into our air and water and soil, and indirectly into our bodies. At Real House, we use organic cotton, ensuring babies with comfort, warmth, breathability and safety. During the production of organic cotton, there is no residue of chemical pesticides. Organic Cotton does not induce allergies, asthma, eczema or atopic dermatitis. Non-stimulating cotton is very suitable for young, tender skin.
The Importance of Crawling
When babies learn to crawl, they are developing a sense of independence by learning to explore on their own. After learning to crawl, babies can then decide where to go, signaling the early signs of decision-making skills. The muscles are being strengthened in preparation for walking and the baby is using their limbs on either side of the body to develop bilateral coordination. Crawling plays an important role in baby’s development.
Physical Development – As baby starts to crawl, they are developing gross motor skills. These are larger movements your baby makes with their arms, legs, feet or the entire body. These skills are important because they offer a physicality your baby will need as they learn to walk, run, and jump. Fine motor skills involve strengthening the smaller muscles in the body, such as hands and fingers. They will be used to grasp things, move the mouth, chew, write with a pen or pencil, and even fasten clothing. Achieving balance is an essential physical requirement for your baby to gather both confidence and the ability to move into the next phase, walking. Hand-eye coordination uses the eyes to direct attention to the hands in order to execute a task. This is essential for writing and even kicking a ball.
Spatial Understanding – Crawling also offers an opportunity for a baby to understand spatial concepts. This provides the child with a physical understanding and orientation of the physical world around them. For example, while a crawling baby often prefers to go ‘through’ things rather than ‘around,’ with practice and experience, babies soon learn how to negotiate a more efficient path to their desired destination. This understanding will be of vital importance throughout their lives for self-preservation, navigation and problem solving.
Binocular Vision – Your baby’s visual skills will develop in leaps and bounds after discovering that their favourite rattle can be near or far away. This is called binocular vision and allows your baby to train their eyes to look off into the distance and then back at their hands while crawling or reaching for that rattle. We use binocular vision to calculate distances and make sense of what we see. It is a skill that helps us catch a ball, drive a car and copy things from a blackboard.
Coordination – Left and right brain coordination is boosted by crawling since this activity forces the brain to process hearing, sight and, movement all at the same time. The more your baby practices crawling, the more synchronized and developed each of these essential skills will become. All of these must work together for your baby to achieve mobility. Left arm and right knee … one forward movement. Right arm and left knee … another forward movement. But even as your baby is gliding along the floor, they are also using their developing eyesight and hearing to identify their desired destination.
Self-confidence – Your baby gains this upon improving their physical strength through crawling, which will prepare them for walking shortly thereafter.
Transcation Certificate (TC) for Textile Processed According to the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
Disclaimer: Information on this website has been obtained from secondary sources which are intended to provide general summary information only. These sources are believed to be reliable. Real House does not assume any liability for the accuracy, usefulness, completeness, currency, and adequacy of the information and should not substitute for a medical consultation. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Individual results may vary.
Weight | N/A |
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