Natural Vitamins + Supplements

    • Real • Unique Formula® Digestive Enzyme Whey Protein Essence Powder


      Real House Canada is proud to launch the “All-Natural Health Force Whey Protein Blend enriched with High Potency Digestion-Enhancing Enzymes”, another sparkling addition to our Unique Formula® line. This digestive enzyme whey high protein essence powder provides you with a complete set of nutrients including all essential amino acids (They are not produced by the body but obtained only from…

    • Real Children Multi Vitamins


      Daily intake of vitamins is vital for children in order to promote healthy growth. The average child lacks nutritional variety in their diet, which often results in vitamin inadequacy. Children who don’t have an adequate vitamin intake are prone to catching colds easily, developing coughs, undergoing poor bone development, having their eyesight diminish, and losing their ability to focus. As…

    • Real • Unique Formula® Energy Booster – (DHA • Premium Plant protein Full Essence Powder)


      DHA • PREMIUM PLANT PROTEIN FULL ESSENCE POWDER This precious energy-providing powder is suitable for people of all ages. With DHA EPA added to non-GMO soy powder and pea protein packed full of bioactive vitamins and essential minerals, it is incredibly effective for maintaining and establishing optimal health. The high quality plant-based protein powders are best for People with allergies…

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