Skin Care


As consumers, we all must be extremely cautious when we apply products to our skin. Human skin is highly permeable, and easily absorbs whatever it touches. Scientific evidence shows that long-term use of chemical skin products can result in dull, lackluster skin. It can also cause detrimental problems to your overall health. Cheaper products might seem appealing until your skin dries out and your hair lacks luminescence.

When purchasing any beauty or skin care products, you should always choose natural products over products that are ridden with chemicals. Real House has partnered with a local Canadian company called LaVigne Natural Skincare. LaVigne extracts natural medicinal herbs without any artificial flavors, artificial colors, heavy metal, animal ingredients, preservatives, or surfactants.

LaVigne’s natural skin care products contain vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids that can effectively maintain your skin’s health. Their products will help keep your skin looking fresh and young, without the harmful side effects of chemically induced products. LaVigne allows you to enjoy being beautiful while using products that Mother Earth would approve of.

    • Real • Organic Rosehip Oil


      Organic Rosehip Oil is a precious facial elixir granted to us by Mother Nature. It is one of a few botanical oils that can be used on the face directly. It contains a variety of unsaturated fatty acids: omega 3 (alpha-linolenic acid, ALA), Omega-6 (γ-linolenic acid), linseed oil, lycopene, beta-carotene, and sun filter factor. It promotes the regeneration of the collagen and…

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