Real • 唯一 NMN 12000mg ユースファウンテン
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Real House Canadaは、この非常に効果的な製品を発売するために、人体のさまざまな重要な老化防止因子と組み合わせたNMNの独自の処方を開発したカナダで最初の製薬研究開発チームです: Real • 唯一 NMN 12000mg ユースファウンテン. 私たちのユニークなフォーミュラには、高用量のNMNと有効比率のNADHが含まれているだけでなく、有効成分も追加されています: Nicotinamide, Glutamine, and Pterostilbene 人間の細胞の機能を最適化し、人間の老化プロセスを遅らせることを目的とした優れた製品を処方すること。
ミトコンドリアは私たちの細胞のエネルギーダイナモです。NMNは(NAD +)およびNADH生合成の前駆体です。 NAD +とNADHはどちらも、細胞代謝の過程でレドックス反応システムの主要な補酵素であり、ミトコンドリアが正常かつ活発に機能するために必要なエネルギーを生成します。 NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine nucleotide) それはすべての生細胞に存在する分子(補酵素)であり、細胞の老化を調節し、正常な身体機能を維持するために不可欠です。 時間の経過とともに、人間と動物のNAD +レベルは大幅に低下します。 “NAD +は、私たちが若返りの泉に最も近い場所です」と、ハーバード大学医学部のポールF.グレン老化生物学センターの共同ディレクターであるデビッドシンクレア博士は述べています。“それは生命が存在するための最も重要な分子の1つであり、それがなければ、あなたは30秒で死んでしまいます.” 2017年3月にサイエンス誌に発表された研究で、シンクレア博士と彼の研究チームは、マウスのグループに供給される水に、NAD +レベルを増加させることが知られている化合物であるNMNを追加しました。 その結果、これらの老化したマウスのNAD +レベルが大幅に増加し、見た目も行動も若くなり、予想よりも長生きしました。
生産地: カナダ
賞味期限:3年; 製品は3年間安全に使用できますが、最高の効果を得るには、開封後できるだけ早く消費する必要があります。 通常、お客様は開封後1〜3ヶ月でこの商品を完成させます。
製品の有効性: NAD +レベルを簡単に高めます。 損傷したDNAを修復することで健康的な老化を促進し、細胞の活力を高め、倦怠感を和らげ、一日を元気いっぱいにします。 また、脳機能を強化し、新陳代謝を促進するのに役立ちます。 エネルギー代謝、組織形成、正常な成長と発達を助け、栄養素を代謝する体の能力を維持します。 S抗酸化物質の供給源であり、体細胞にエネルギーを提供します。それは精神的な明晰さ、集中力、記憶を改善するために使用されます。 エネルギー生産におけるその役割のための認知症。
主な薬効成分: | 効能 |
NMN (3-(Aminocarbonyl)-1-(5-O-phosphonato-beta-D-ribofuranosyl)pyridinium, Nicotinamide mononucleotide) | 200 mg |
Nicotinamide (3-Pyridinecarboxamide, Niacinamide) | 50 mg |
Glutamine (L-Glutamine) | 100mg |
Pterostilbene (4’-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxystilbene) | 50 mg |
NADH (1,4-Dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) | 10 mg |
Non-medicinal ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, Hypromellose
Major Ingredients and Functions:
NMN (Nicotinamide mononucleotide)
Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a derivative of the B-vitamin niacin that dramatically improves health and longevity by serving as a precursor to NAD+, a compound that plays a crucial role in energy production, metabolism, and gene expression in the body. NAD+ acts as a coenzyme and as a substrate for multiple signal reactions, participating in hundreds of reactions in the human cells. When we boost NMN levels in the body, we can enhance the biosynthesis of NAD+ and alleviate symptoms associated with the depletion of this crucial nutrient. In fact, NMN supplementation has been found to improve various parameters of health, including physical endurance and muscle strength, brain health, heart health, body weight, and gene expression.
Scientific Researches:
- In 2013, David Sinclair posted on CELL: One week after using NMN to improve NAD, a 22-month-old mouse (equivalent to a 60-year-old human) is significantly different than before with similar levels of mitochondrial, homeostasis, muscle health, and other key indicators as a 6-month-old mouse (equivalent to a 20-year-old human).
- A 2016 study by Professor David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School found that mice equivalent to 70 years of age returned to the 20-year-old stage after taking NMN for a week, and their lifespan was extended by 20%.
- In a journal published in 2016, scientists from the University of Washington School of Medicine pointed out that after the mice ingesting drinking water dissolved with NMN, the concentration of NMN in the blood gradually increased within 10 minutes, and within 30 minutes, NMN entered multiple tissues with blood circulation and synthesized NAD+ in the tissues to increase the body’s NAD+ level.
- Researches on NMN’s improvement of aging indicators has been supported by almost all scientific journals. Studies published on “Nature”, “Science”, “Cell”, and many other journals have confirmed the role of NMN in neurodegenerative diseases (dementia, ALS, and Parkinson’s disease), cardiovascular, hearing, and vision. Three of the researchers of NAD have received Nobel prizes.
- Because of the ability of NMN in repairing DNA damaged by space radiation and restoring skeletal muscle loss under gravity, NASA awarded the leader of NMN research, Professor David Sinclair, twice in 2016 and 2018. Professor David Sinclair himself was awarded the Australian Medal and became one of 50 Health authorities on “Times” in 2018 for his contribution to the anti-aging field.
- Immortality has always been the dream of mankind. According to the “Halflik limit” of telomerase theory, human life expectancy is 120 years old, and the average life expectancy of developed countries in 2018 is 80 years old. NMN is gradually increasing the average life span of human beings by 20%.
Clinical Trials:
- In 2016, Imai Ichiro teamed up with Keio University in Japan to carry out the world’s first clinal trial on NMN, in which 10 40 to 60-year-old healthy male testers ingested different dosages of NMN. The safety of NMN intake and its absorption in the human body is physiologically confirmed through blood tests and more. Imai Ichiro did not disclose the results of the test but said that any possible side effects of NMN on the human body should be carefully observed.
- Keio University conducted a phase II clinical trial of NMN ingestion as early as 2017 after completing the phase I clinical trial; the University of Washington is studying the effects of NMN on glucose metabolism. Metrobio Study’s phase I clinical trial has ended, and the second phase is in progress.
Nicotinamide (3-Pyridinecarboxamide, Niacinamide)
Niacinamide (aka nicotinamide) is derived from niacin. The body has the ability to convert niacin to niacinamide. However, there are some critical differences between these two vitamin B3 components. Niacinamide can also be made by our body from an amino acid known as tryptophan. High niacin doses can cause flushing, which is a condition that causes blood vessels to widen. This makes the capillaries under the skin expand to allow more blood to flow, causing the skin to become red and itchy. Niacinamide does not have the effect of skin flushing, and that is why it is preferred over niacin in the treatment of pellagra. Some niacin is converted to niacinamide, and some niacinamide is converted to a compound called NAD. Directly taking niacinamide helps “shortening” the pathway, hence speeds up the process.
Nicotinamide, a form of vitamin B3, is a critically important part of the structures of NADH and NAD+, where the N-substituted aromatic ring in the oxidized NAD+ form undergoes reduction with hydride attack to form NADH. It is the preferred treatment for pellagra, caused by niacin deficiency. While niacin may be used, nicotinamide has the benefit of not causing skin flushing. Nicotinamide is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in a health system.
Glutamine (L-Clutamide)
Studies have shown that Glutamine can block Oxidative stress injury induced by Reactive Oxygen Species. The mechanism by which glutamine supports cell proliferation and regulates cell cycle dynamics includes its regulation of DNA and protein biosynthesis rates. Glutamine is routinely added to the cell culture medium, and its importance for cell growth has been determined.
Oxidative stress is characterized by an imbalance between the production and elimination of cellular oxidants, which damage the basic components of cells (including proteins, lipids, and DNA), interfere with homeostasis, and lead to various adverse consequences (Schieber and Chandel, 2014; Wu and Ni, 2015). Reactive oxygen species (ROS), a marker of oxidative stress, is mainly produced in the mitochondrial electron transport chain during cell metabolism and plays important role in cell biological behaviors, such as proliferation and apoptosis (Cameron et al., 2019). Recent studies showed that ROS increases the pyroptosis of VEC that contributes to VEC dysfunction and progression (Wu et al., 2018; Zhaolin et al., 2019). Lowering oxidative stress injury induced by ROS is considered as a promising therapy to inhibit the progression of As (Burtenshaw et al., 2019).
GSH is a major endogenous cellular antioxidant that plays an important role in cellular responses to oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals and ROS. Glutamine produces GSH and GSSG “buffers” of oxidative stress (Ballatori et al., 2009). Decreasing glutaminase and consequently inhibiting glutamine production can down-regulate this important antioxidant pathway, leading to high ROS levels and toxic effects on cells (Abu et al., 2017). Glutamine starvation has been reported to deplete endogenous levels of the antioxidant GSH, promote oxidative stress in HuH-7 cells, and induce apoptosis (Yang et al., 1998). ECS is highly susceptible to ROS-induced damage because of glutamine consumption (Huang et al., 2017). In addition, glutamine-starved ECs are more sensitive to ROS-induced cell death (Huang et al., 2017). Similarly, glutamine-depleted ECs show a tendency to decrease the overall level of GSH (Huang et al., 2017). Thus, glutamine supplementation reduces mitochondrial ROS formation and apoptosis induced by high glucose and hypoxia re-oxygenation by decreasing oxidative stress and inactivating intrinsic apoptosis pathways. This process is mainly dependent on enhanced GSH synthesis (Li et al., 2015).
Pterostilbene (4′-Hydroxy-3, 5-demethoxystilbene)
Animal studies have found that Pterostilbene, as a strong antioxidant, is absorbed by human blood four times higher than resveratrol. Its utilization rate of biological activity in the human body is 80%, while that of resveratrol is only 20%. According to research, Pterostilbene can protect cell DNA and is the protective cap of the telomere at the end of the DNA chain. As we age, telomeres will naturally start to break down, and Pterostilbene can enhance the enzymes that protect telomeres. Taking Pterostilbene can help improve the body’s natural anti-aging ability and promote overall wellness. It also promotes the body to release adiponectin, a hormone that helps regulate blood sugar and fatty acid metabolism.
NADH (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) + Hydrogen (H))
NADH is made in your body from niacin, a type of B vitamin. At various chemical reactions, the NAD+ picks up an electron from glucose, at which point it becomes NADH. Then NADH, along with another molecule flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2) will ultimately transport the electrons to the mitochondria, where the cell can harvest energy stored in the electrons. The amount of NADH is directly related to the amount of ATP produced. The more NADH each cell has, the more energy it produces. Organs that require more energy have more (or require) NADH.
Physiological Functions of NADH:
- Improves energy levels: A large number of studies have confirmed that extracellular NADH can promote the rise of the level of ATP in the cell. It has been shown that NADH can penetrate the cell membrane and raise the level of energy in cell. From the macro added exogenous, NADH helps restore physical strength, enhance appetite, and raise the level of brain energy. It also helps to improve mental state and sleep quality. NADH has been applied to improve chronic fatigue syndrome, improve sports endurance, jet lag, and other fields in foreign countries.
- Protects cells: NADH is a naturally occurring strong antioxidant. It can react with free radicals and inhibit lipid peroxidation, protecting the mitochondrial membrane, and mitochondrial function. A study found that NADH can reduce ischemia toxins by radiation medicine, violent sport oxidative stress caused by various factors, such as cells, thus protecting myocardial vascular endothelial cells of liver cells fibroblasts neurons. Therefore, the injection or oral intake of NADH in the clinic is applied to improve the disease of heart head blood-vessel auxiliary cancer radiation and chemotherapy, and other fields. Topical NADH has been shown to be effective in the treatment of rosacea and contact dermatitis.
- Promotes the neurotransmitter produced: Studies have shown that NADH is significant to promote the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which proved critical to the central nervous system functions such as movement, pleasure, attention, mood, and motivation. Dopamine is a messenger molecule in the brain that allows certain nerve cells to communicate with one another. It also mediates the release of growth hormone and determines muscle movement. Without enough dopamine, muscle stiffness, for example, will become part of the etiology of Parkinson’s disease which is caused by brain dopamine synthesis disorder. Preliminary clinical trial data suggests that NADH contributes to the improvement of the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. NASH also promotes the biosynthesis of norepinephrine and serotonin, showing promising application potential in alleviating depression and Alzheimer’s disease
In metabolism, NAD facilitates redox reactions, carrying electrons from one reaction to another. This means that NAD is found in two-forms in the cell; NAD+ is an oxidizing agent that takes electrons from other molecules in order to become its reduced form, NADH. NADH can then become a reducing agent that donates the electrons it carries. The transfer of electrons is one of the main functions of NAD, though it also performs other cellular processes, including acting as a substrate for enzymes that add or remove chemical groups from proteins in post-translational modifications.
NAD + and NADH is the cell of a pair of REDOX, NADH is a reductive form of coenzyme NAD 1, NAD + is the oxide forms in REDOX reaction, NADH as hydrogen and electron donor, NAD + as a hydrogen and electron acceptor, involved in alcohol metabolism and other physiological respiration photosynthesis process them as in many REDOX reactions of coenzyme body to participate in the activities of life, and into each other. In the absence of oxygen, glucose metabolism produces very little ATP. Under aerobic conditions, NADH or FADH2 produced by glycolysis and the tricarboxylic acid cycle can produce a large amount of ATP by the oxidative phosphoric acid reaction.
Caution and Warnings:
1) If you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medications, or have any medical condition (such as gout or hypotension), consult your doctor before use.
2) If any adverse reaction occurs, immediately stop using this product and consult your doctor.
3) Stop use and consult a health care practitioner if you show signs of weakness, oral ulcers, or abdominal pain accompanied by severe muscle pain.
4) Store away from children. Store protected from light and moisture.
5) Do not use if the safety seal is damaged or missing.
重さ | 0.45 lbs (ポンド) |
サイズ | 6.35 × 6.35 × 12.065 cm |
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